About Us

SERISO VENTURE LIMITED was incorporated as a limited liability Shipping Company under Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990. It is a brood-based integrated company offering a wide range of product and services to its clients in both Downstream and Upstream sector of the oil and gas economy as well as water transportation. We are a company of integrity that carved the best operational practices, and technical safety procedures.

The company consistently employs the latest technology throughout its fleet of vessels as well as area of operations, while driving development of new technology in anticipation of customer needs. We offer customers a comprehensive suiteable support services through strategy alliances, partnerships and exclusive management contracts, SVLL is distinctively focused on remaining a premier marine and offshore servicing provider.

The company uses world-class and best practice operational standards and procedures and all project activities are designed to meet International standards organization (ISO-1990), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), Nigerian Society of Engineering (NSE) and standard organization of Nigeria (SON) and their standard serves as bench marks for our activities.



SERISO VENTURES LIMITED has cultivated the policy of recruiting, training and engaging 100% Nigerian workforce in execution of her projects. It is liaising with the local content office to establish contacts with Nigerian companies which are engaged in provision of products and services that have direct/indirect relevance to her areas of operation. Her target is to achieve 100% Local Content Development in the provision of personnel, plant, equipment, materials, spares and services that may be required for the execution of projects.


our mission

To provide a comprehensive, cost effective service delivery to all client project and positively impact the community served.

our vission

To become the leading marine logistics   and engineering service  provider, competitive of world-class marine services institution in Nigeria, added by the best technological system highly trained, well-motivated staff and adequate profit to shareholders fund.